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Radiology Products
Fujifilm - Oasis 1.2T Open MRI

Only Oasis offers open magnet with 1.2 Tesla magnetic field in the world
1.2 Tesla Open Superconductive Magnet with Zero Boil-off technology
33mT/m gradient strength and 100T/m/s slew rate
Fully motorised extra wide 82cm patient table with lateral table top movement up to 300kg load
SoftSound™ technology for silent gradients

Fujifilm - Echelon Smart 1.5T MRI
1.5T superconductive magnet with zero boil-off technology
SoftSound™ Technology for silent gradients
Low energy consumption (Eco Mode)
SMARTSPEED Technology - 1.5T superconducting system for a fast scanning
Rich variety of advanced imaging features such as RADAR™, RAPID™, TIGRE™, TRAQ™, FLUTE™, VASC™ supporting every clinical challenge
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